R. L. Barnett, D. L. Green, C. L. Waters, J. D. Lore, D. N. Smithe, J. R. Myra, C. Lau, B. Van Compernolle, and S. Vincena , Ponderomotive force driven density modifications parallel to B0 on the LAPD, Physics of Plasmas 29, 042508 (2022),
R. L. Barnett, D. L. Green, C. L. Waters, J. D. Lore, D. N. Smithe, and J. R.Myra, RF-transpond: A 1D coupled cold plasma wave and plasma transport model for ponderomotive force driven density modification parallel to B0, Comp. Phys. Commun. 274, 108286 (2022),
B. Biswas, P. Bonoli, A. Ram, and A. White, Spectral broadening from turbulence in multiscale lower hybrid current drive simulations, accepted to Nuclear Fusion (2022),
S. J. Frank, J. P. Lee, J. C. Wright, I. H. Hutchinson, and P.T. Bonoli, Verifying raytracing/Fokker-Planck lower-hybrid current drive predictions with self-consistent full-wave/Fokker-Planck simulations, Journal of Plasmas Physics 88, 905880603 (2022),
S. J. Frank, J. C. Wright, I. H. Hutchinson, and P. T. Bonoli, An Assessment Of Full-Wave Effects On Maxwellian Lower-Hybrid Wave Damping, accepted to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (2022),
D. Green, X. Hu, J. Lore, L. Mu, and M. L. Stowell, An Efficient High-order Numerical Solver for Diffusion Equations with Strong Anisotropy, Computer Physics Communications 276, 108333 (2022),
M. Poulos, Analysis of nonlinear features associated with radio-frequency sheaths, Phys. Plasmas 29, 102104 (2022),
S. Shiraiwa, N. Bertelli, W. Tierens, R. Bilato, J. Hillairet, J. Myra, H. Kohno, M. Poulos, and M. Ono, Magnetic potential based formulation for linear and non-linear 3D RF sheath simulation, Nuclear Fusion 2022 (in press),
W. Tierens, J. R. Myra, R. Bilato and L. Colas, Resonant wave-filament interactions as a loss mechanism for HHFW heating and current drive, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 64, 035001 (2022),
W. Tierens, R. Bilato, N. Bertelli, S. Shiraiwa, L. Colas, and J.R. Myra, On the origin of High Harmonic Fast Wave edge losses in NSTX, Nucl. Fusion 62, 096011 (2022),
W. Zhang, R. Bilato, V. Bobkov, A. Cathey, A. Di Siena, M. Hoelzl, A. Messiaen, J. R. Myra, G. Suárez López, W. Tierens, M. Usoltceva, J. C. Wright, the ASDEX Upgrade Team, and the EUROfusion MST1 team, Recent progress in modeling ICRF-edge plasma interactions with application to ASDEX Upgrade, Nuclear Fusion 62, 075001 (2022),
C. J. Beers, D. L. Green, C. Lau, J. R. Myra, J. Rapp, T. R. Younkin, and S. J. Zinkle , RF sheath induced sputtering on Proto-MPEX. I. Sheath equivalent dielectric layer for modeling the RF sheath, Physics of Plasmas 28, 093503 (2021),
C. J. Beers, C. Lau, J. Rapp, T. R. Younkin, T. M. Biewer, T. Bigelow, J. F. Caneses, J. B. O. Caughman, D. L. Green, H. Meyer III, J. R. Myra, and S. J. Zinkle , RF sheath induced sputtering on Proto-MPEX part 2: Impurity transport modeling and experimental comparison, Physics of Plasmas 28, 103508 (2021),
B. Biswas, S. Shiraiwa, S. G. Baek, P. Bonoli, A. Ram, and A. E. White, A hybrid full-wave Markov chain approach to calculating radio-frequency wave scattering from scrape-off layer filaments, Journal of Plasma Physics 87, 905870510 (2021),
M. Elias, D. Curreli, and J. Myra, Energy-Angle Distribution of the Ions in the RF sheath of ICRH antennas, Physics of Plasmas 28, 052106 (2021),
C. Lau, M. Brookman, A. Dimits, B. Dudson, E. Martin, R. I. Pinsker, M. Thomas, and B. Van Compernolle, Helicon full-wave modeling with scrape-off-layer turbulence on the DIII-D tokamak, Nuclear Fusion 61, 126072 (2021),
J. R. Myra, A tutorial on radio frequency sheath physics for magnetically confined fusion devices, J. Plasma Phys. 87, 905870504 (2021),
J. Myra, M. Elias, D. Curreli, and T. Jenkins, Effect of net direct current on the properties of radio frequency sheaths: simulation and cross-code comparison, Nuclear Fusion 61, 016030 (2021),
S. I. Valvis, A. K. Ram, and K. Hizanidis, Interaction of radio frequency waves with cylindrical density filaments – scattering and radiation pressure, Journal of Plasma Physics 87, 905870612 (2021),
R. L. Barnett, D. L. Green, J. D. Lore, D. N. Smithe, J. R. Myra, and C. L. Waters, A 1D coupled transport/cold plasma wave model for parallel ponderomotive density modification near RF actuators, AIP Conference Proceedings 2254, 050001 (2020),
N. Bertelli, S. Shiraiwa, G. J. Kramer, X. Yang, T. DeHaas, C. Lau, B. Van Compernolle, E.-H. Kim, J. C. Wright, and the RF SciDAC Team , 3D full wave fast wave modeling with realistic antenna geometry and SOL plasma, AIP Conference Proceedings 2254, 030001 (2020),
B. Biswas, S. G. Baek, P. Bonoli, S. Shiraiwa, G. Wallace, and A. White, Study of turbulence-induced refraction of lower hybrid waves using synthetic scrape-off layer filaments, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 62, 115006 (2020),
M. Elias and D. Curreli, An explicit scheme to enforce charge conservation in transient Particle-in-Cell simulations with Maxwell-Boltzmann electrons, Journal of Computational Physics 409, 109320 (2020),
C. Gan, D. N. Smithe, N. Xiang, and X. Zhang, 3D simulation of ICRF power injected into EAST plasmas via VSim software, AIP Conference Proceedings 2254, 060010 (2020),
D. L. Green, E. D’Azevedo, D. B. Batchelor, N. Bertelli, C. Lau, R. L. Barnett, and J. F. Caneses Marin , A WKB based preconditioner for the 1D Helmholtz wave equation, AIP Conference Proceedings 2254, 060008 (2020),
C. Lau, E. H. Martin, S. Shiraiwa, and G. M. Wallace, Full-wave model for the lower hybrid wave electric field vector with synthetic turbulence on Alcator C-Mod, Nuclear Fusion 60, 036001 (2020),
J. R. Myra, C. Lau, B. Van Compernolle, S. Vincena, and J. C. Wright , Measurement and modeling of the radio frequency sheath impedance in a large magnetized plasma, Physics of Plasmas 27, 072506 (2020),
J. R. Myra, D. Curreli, M.T. Elias and T. G. Jenkins, Recent Progress in Microscale Modeling of RF Sheaths, AIP Conf. Proceedings 2254, 050008 (2020),
D. Smithe, A. Pankin, T. Jenkins, J. Myra, and R. Barnett, Computation of Ponderomotive Force in 3D FDTD Simulation, AIP Conference Proceedings 2254, 060009 (2020),
W. Tierens, W. Zhang, J.R. Myra, and the EUROfusion MST1 Team, Filament-assisted mode conversion in magnetized plasmas, Phys. Plasmas 27, 010702 (2020),
M. Elias, D. Curreli, J. Myra, T. Jenkins, and J. Wright, Numerical Model of the Radio-Frequency Magnetic Presheath Including Wall Impurities, Physics of Plasmas 26, 092508 (2019),
H. Kohno and J. R. Myra, Radio-frequency wave interactions with a plasma sheath in oblique-angle magnetic fields using a sheath impedance model, Physics of Plasmas 26, 022507 (2019),
J. Lee, D. N. Smithe, E. F. Jaeger, R. W. Harvey, and P. T. Bonoli, Similarity of the coupled equations for RF waves in a tokamak, Physics of Plasmas 26, 012505 (2019),
J. Lee, R. Bilato and E. F. Jaeger, Analysis of the deviations from the similarity between JET and ITER ion cyclotron resonance heating, Nuclear Fusion 59, 126006 (2019),
J. R. Myra and H. Kohno, Radio frequency wave interactions with a plasma sheath: the role of wave and plasma sheath impedances, Phys. Plasmas 26, 052503 (2019),
J. R. Myra and H. Kohno, Calculation of RF sheath properties from surface wave-fields: a post-processing method, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 61, 095003 (2019),
P. T. Bonoli, G. M. Wallace, S. Shiraiwa, S. G. Baek, J. Doody, M. Greenwald, B. LaBombard, R. Leccacorvi, K. Filar, Y. Lin, E. Marmar, O. Meneghini, T. Palmer, R. R. Parker, M. Porkolab, B. Sorbom, R. Vieira, A. E. White, D. G. Whyte, J. C. Wright, and S. J. Wukitch, High field side lower hybrid wave launch for steady state plasma sustainment, Nuclear Fusion 58, 126032 (2018),
F. Bairaktaris, K. Hizanidis, A. K. Ram, P. Papagiannis, C. Tsironis, Y. Kominis, E. Glytsis, O. Chellai, S. Alberti, and I. Furno, Homogenization theory for the effective permittivity of a turbulent tokamak plasma in the scrape-off layer, Journal of Plasma Physics 84, 45840501 (2018),
C. Gan, D. Smithe, N. Xiang and X. Zhang, Modeling of ICRF Antenna Coupling on East Tokamak, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS), 1 (2018),
D.L. Green, L.A. Berry, A.B. Simpson, and T.R. Younkin, Kinetic-J: A computational kernel for calculating the linear, kinetic, configuration space plasma current for time harmonic wave electric fields, Comp. Phys. Comm. 225, 122 (2018),
C. Lau, E.F. Jaeger, N. Bertelli, L.A. Berry, D.L. Green, M. Murakami, J.M. Park, R.I. Pinsker and R. Prater, AORSA full wave calculations of helicon waves in DIII-D and ITER, Nucl. Fusion 58, 066004 (2018),
J. P. Lee, D. Smithe, J. C. Wright and P. T. Bonoli, A positive-definite form of bounce- averaged quasilinear velocity diffusion for the parallel inhomogeneity in a tokamak, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 60, 025007 (2018),
D. A. Spong, W. W. Heidbrink, C. Paz-Soldan, X. D. Du, K. E. Thome, M. A. Van Zeeland, C. Collins, A. Lvovskiy, R. A. Moyer, M. E. Austin, D. P. Brennan, C. Liu, E. F. Jaeger, and C. Lau, First Direct Observation of Runaway-Electron-Driven Whistler Waves in Tokamaks, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 155002 (2018),
J. Lee, J. Wright, N. Bertelli, E. F. Jaeger, E. Valeo, R. Harvey, and P. Bonoli, Quasilinear diffusion coefficients in a finite Larmor radius expansion for ion cyclotron heated plasmas, Physics of Plasmas 24, 052502 (2017),
S. Shiraiwa, J. C. Wright, J. P. Lee, and P. Bonoli, HIS-TORIC: Extending core ICRF wave simulation to include realistic SOL plasmas, Nuclear Fusion 57, 086048 (2017),
Other Presentations
T. G. Jenkins, High-Performance Numerical Simulation of RF Wave Heating and Sheath Effects in Fusion Plasmas (invited talk), 2018 USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, Colorado, January 2018.
J. C. Wright and the RF-SciDAC team, "RF-SciDAC Tools for LAPD", presented at the LAPD BaPSF ICRF Campaign Workshop, Los Angles, October (2017).
D. L. Green and the RF-SciDAC team, "Overview of the SciDAC Center for Integrated Simulation of Fusion Relevant RF Actuators", presented at the LAPD BaPSF ICRF Campaign Workshop, Los Angles, October (2017).